


Our first step is to schedule a consultation with you to understand your needs and goals. This can be done in-person, or using Microsoft Teams. During this meeting, we'll discuss your business, your current financial situation, and any challenges or concerns you may have. We'll also answer any questions you have about our services and provide an overview of our approach.

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Once we have a clear understanding of your needs, we'll create a customized engagement proposal tailored to you and/or your business. This plan will outline the services we recommend and provide a timeline for completion. We'll also provide you with a clear breakdown of costs and any additional fees associated with the services you require.

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Once you sign-off on your engagement proposal, our friendly Administration Team will first contact you to collect all of the necessary personal information required to ensure the data we hold for you is accurate, ensuring smooth future processing. Then, we'll start executing the agreed services. This may involve tasks such as setting up accounting systems, preparing tax documents, or managing payroll. Throughout the execution phase, we'll keep you informed of our progress and address any concerns you may have.

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Ongoing Support

After we've completed the initial plan, we'll continue to provide ongoing support to ensure your financial success. This may involve periodic check-ins to review your finances, updates on tax law changes that may affect your business, or recommendations for new services that may benefit your business.

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